Thursday, August 24, 2006

Weaver fields questions about McCain's Advanced Age: "Senator McCain hiked the Grand Canyon this summer, what did you do Fat Boy?"

If any one thing seriously threatens McCain's nomination in 08' it could well be his advanced age. The Senator from Arizona turns 70 on Tuesday.

This is not news to the McCainiacs.

Ace political consultant John Weaver, who never sleeps and just purchased his first Blackberry, was NOT caught off guard when he got the pesky "age" question from the Grand Fork's Herald.

"His health is fine," said John Weaver. "Just this month, he backpacked the Grand Canyon from rim to rim with his son, he went on a weeklong tour campaigning for people and he's about to lead a delegation on a multi-nation tour of Eastern Europe."

Wow, and you thought YOU had a busy schedule America.

That father and son jaunt through America's national treasure is some serious hiking. Especially in August.

So far so good for Team McCain. If the McCainiacs can keep America's most popular senior citizen from making Bob Dole "snowangles" while attempting to take to a debate stage and out of hospitals for the "flu" all really should be ok.

PS, I hear Rudy, not to be outdone, is planning on summitting the southern face of Mt Washington. Stay tuned.