Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Loving On James Pindell & Two Office Openings

(photo courtesy of Democracy In Action)

GreenMountainPolitics1 doesn't love on James Pindell of the Boston Globe nearly enough.

Pindell, author of the must-read Primary Source political column, is known around these parts as the "insider's insider".

And, as GreenMountainPolitics1 attempts to claw and scratch its way into the Gang of 500 (hell, we'd settle for being in the Gang of 1000), being known as the insider's insider is something we aspire to.


But it's more than that.

Besides being impeccably sourced, Pindell has a reputation for being a really nice guy.

He gets it first, he gets it right and he's still a nice guy? We think that says something. We've been meaning to say it for awhile.

And, Pindell's recent blurb on Kucinich's office opening gave us the excuse we were looking for.

Because we think it's a little funny that the two campaigns who have absolutely ZERO chance of winning in New Hampshire - Kucinich and John Cox - are two of the very first campaigns with open and functional offices in NH (it doesn't count until I can walk through the front door and pick-up a palm card).

We wonder what the hold-up with the Big Six is.

Don't they take New Hampshire seriously?