Monday, January 29, 2007

Granite State Quickie: Hunter And Tancredo Are In, Huckabee Is Really In, Big Love Attacks Brownback For Mitt-Flopping & The Bloody Sox Backs McCain

When there isn't time, a quickie will have to do.


On Saturday, GreenMountainPolitics1 attended Congressman Tom Tancredo's announcement that he is seeking the Republican nomination for President.

Our new friend, Phillip Elliot of the Associated Press, has the story here.

We were disappointed that we were unable to ask Mr. Tancredo, "Congressman, you have proposed building a cement wall around the entire United State. Where do you start?"

Maybe next time.


GreenMountainPolitics1 also covered Duncan Hunter's announcement today in Newington that he is seeking the Republican nomination for President.

The former Chairman of the House Armed Services committee held his campaign rally at the corporate headquarters of Wilcox Industries.

The picture we took this morning of the campaign rally is stuck to the top of this post.

Hmm. Wilcox Industries.

From Wilcox's website:

Wilcox is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of high quality tactical equipment for use by Special Operations units within the United States.
Within the United States?

Would the Manchurian Candidate movie be as fun if the Manchurian Corporation had been totally up front about its plans to put their man in the White House?


Former Southern Fat Boy and successful Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, dazzled on Meet the Press yesterday.

Huckabee announced that he was running for President. The transcript of the show can be found here.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, Mike Huckabee is John McCain biggest rival for the Republican nomination.

Huckabee just needs to raise $15 million dollars in the next 4 months.


In yet another example that Mitt Romney is a tool shed, Big Love has attacked Sam Brownback for Mitt-Flopping on abortion.

Eyeon08 has the story here.

Sam Brownback is many things to many people. One thing that Senator Brownback is not is soft on "faith based issues".

Love's concern that "true" conservatives in the race take supporters directly away from his campaign is justified, but we feel that if Love should be more concerned about Huckabee than Brownback at this point.

Then there is the issue of the pot calling the kettle black. It's called Mitt-Flopping for goodness sakes.


Finally, Curt Schilling, Red Sox pitcher and owner of the most famous bloody sox in history, is backing John McCain for President.

Schilling made the comments on Sports Talk Radio this morning and the audio may be found here.