Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nothing Says "I Like To Party" Like Working For Giuliani In South Carolina

New Hampshire Primary lore has it that back in 1999 McCain's campaign would fire-up Eric Clapton's Cocaine on the jukebox whenever they bumped into Bush staffers out and about in Manchester.

Clapton might be coming back into style in New Hampshire once again.

This time as the theme song for Rudy Giuliani's staff.

Via South Carolina.

The AP is reporting that Thomas Ravenel, Rudy Giuliani's South Carolina state campaign chairman, "Likes to party. And he likes to party hard!"

In fact, Ravenel parties so hard that he's been indicted by a federal grand jury for "cocaine distribution".

"Distribution"? That doesn't sound good.

First Bernard Kerik and now this?

Who else is Giuliani putting his trust in?