Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cindy McCain Goes After Independent Voters

It's no secret that John McCain has been a leader in the fight (especially within the GOP) on global warming.

Check out this Environmental Defense Action Fund article from 2004.

It's also no secret that McCain's "Greenish" legislative record is sometimes lost in the noise surrounding his support of the Iraq War.

So Independent voters (and Crunchy Cons) might need a little reminding of McCain's favorable global warming stance heading into 2008.

Enter Cindy McCain, who last week gave an interview to ABC News' Jennifer Rubin:

Though she lacks the high profile of some of her counterparts in the presidential race, McCain is poised to have a greater presence on the campaign trail in the coming months.

She's already been a regular aboard the Straight Talk Express and at fundraisers, and she's attending a NASCAR race in North Carolina this weekend.

The couple's 23-year-old daughter Meghan "plans on taking an active role," McCain said, though their two sons who are in the military -- one is a Marine, the other a cadet at the U.S. Naval Academy -- are restricted from taking part in political activities. The McCains also have a 15 year old daughter, Bridget. And the Senator has three adult children from his first marriage.

McCain said the entire family was involved in her husband's decision to run for president, and the children's concerns extended far beyond the impact on their personal lives.

"We had a very long conversation over Christmas," said McCain, 53. "[Their] major concern was where he was on global warming. I was really proud they asked great questions."

And, since the Senator presumably got his children's blessing to run for President, we suppose that McCain's position on global warming passed the children's test.

This is, we imagine, the first minor shot of the full court press Team McCain plans on the global warming issue in the coming months.

Warm up the direct mail bus!