Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In Laconia Romney Swims With The Dolphins

This unidentified Romney staffer was kind enough to pose with "Mitt-Flop", the dolphin/human who made his very first appearance at Romney's Laconia event this afternoon.

What a sport.

UPDATE: The unidentified person in the picture has been identified. We got a email late last night from Adam Bungert, who claims he is the Chairman of the UNH Students For Mitt Romney organization and that he "loves" the picture. Adam also points out that he is a volunteer for the campaign, not a paid staffer.

Inside, Mitt answered the question "Do you believe that abortion is murder?" by saying:

Abortion is not murder. Murder has a different meaning to different people but abortion, I don't believe, is murder. But it is taking a life."
We. Don't. Know. What. That. Means.

Neither did the 10 or so Clackers that we were at the event with (or the 2 or 3 camera crews from rival campaigns so, rest assured, Romney's answer will be YouTubed).

Also, what's with Romney's "security staff"? Lots of dudes. Black suits. Ear pieces. Weird red buttons on their lapels?

Come on! We can't be the only one's laughing.

We're just saying.