Dear Ms. Attorney General, It's Time To Release The Results Of The Negative Phone Call Probe
Though we have never had the pleasure of meeting New Hampshire Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, we are aware of her excellent reputation as a no-nonsense public servant.
No snark.
However, we feel that it is time for Ms. Ayotte to finally release the results of her office's negative call probe in New Hampshire.
For the last four weeks, New Hampshire's chattering classes have been chattering about who is behind the calls.
The rumors have been intense and, frankly, have centered around one particular candidate.
GMP1 made a consciousness decision early on to not repeat the rumors on this blog. Believe it or not, that's not what we're about.
But it's time for Ms. Ayotte to put a stop to the rumor mongering and release what she has, or has not, found out.
Her office has had more than enough time for an investigation of this nature.
And with only 22 days until the New Hampshire Primary, Granite State voters deserve to know what the AG's office knows.
A report released after the New Hampshire Primary is meaningless.
Ms. Attorney General, please tell us what you know.