Saturday, February 02, 2008

On The VP Short List?

If we had to bet a quarter about whether or not Senator McCain has decided on who his running mate will be, we would quickly bet against the assumption that he had.

Still too many moving parts in this race.

But if we had to bet a quarter about whether or not Senator McCain has Mike Huckabee on his VP short list for consideration, we would quickly bet that he does.

And then offer to double the bet.

Because not only is Huckabee a successful southern governor and former Baptist preacher with a silver tongue whose focus on kitchen table issues excites rank-and-file social and cultural conservatives (more valuable if McCain matches-up against Obama), but Huckabee also stopped Mitt's momentum in Iowa.

Which was huge for Johnny Mac's win in New Hampshire.

And ever since Iowa, Huckabee has been doing his level best to be a pain in the ass to Team Romney while at the same time talking up McCain.

Which had been big for Johnny Mac since New Hampshire.

And don't think for one minute that Team McCain doesn't know it.