Sunday, August 24, 2008

Driving Our Night: The 9th Rack Is A Charm


That's how many racks of pork that we've "fired-up" on our humble little Weber grill over the last 4 months.

That's better then 2 racks per month. 

And with those racks we've fed DC princes, paupers and everyone in between.


That's a LOT of Miss Piggy.

And so it is. But tonight was something special. 

Very special.

"Yankee Boy swagger on down to the Carolinas (or Texas) and brag at the good old boys about the pork you just grilled up" special.

Now that's special.

So it's fitting that tonight's rack was the last rack of ribs that the Palisade Lane Salon will turn out this season.

Fitting indeed.

Happy Sunday night everyone.