Friday, February 23, 2007

Barack Obama's New Hampshire Office "Opening"

NH campaign managers have it tough (so do the communications directors who clean-up after them).

Every Wednesday afternoon John DiStaso, on deadline for his must-read Thursday Granite Status column, starts calling NH campaign managers to see who's got what.

Good little campaign managers, who know the routine cold, have plenty of exclusive and tasty nuggets for DiStaso to gorge on. Everybody gets happy and everybody gets fed.

Bad little campaign managers, who are still figuring out how the NH media works, panic when they realize (usually late Wednesday afternoon) that they don't have anything for DiStaso because they didn't plan correctly.

Which forces John to go hungry. And John doesn't like to go hungry.

So bad little campaign managers do what they do and feed DiStaso artificial nuggets.

And hope that no one looks too closely.

It's not fact. It's not fiction. It's a Quick Take. Generally tasteless, meaningless and not very good for you.

Case in point, this artificial nugget from yesterday's Quick Takes:

Barack Obama's New Hampshire campaign today will open its state campaign headquarters at 60 Rogers St., Manchester. It's described as a "big, bright office" of about 8,000 square feet in an old office building tucked between Hayward and Harvard streets.
The only accuracy in this artificial nugget is the street address and the word "bright" used as an adjective.

We actually took a quick drive up to Obama's "open" office yesterday. We thought we would introduce ourselves, get a bumper sticker and congratulate his staff on being the first Big Six office to open in NH.

Not to be.

We arrived at Obama's campaign office at 3pm to find it locked tight, empty of any office furniture and lit only by sunlight (the nugget got that right).

No staff. No phones ringing off the hook. No excitement. And you can forget bumper stickers.

In other words, no open office.

We would also point out that there is no way that Obama's office is 8,000 square feet.

Team Hillary should call bullshit on that.

Obama's NH office is "open" only if it's being used as a holding area for visitors to the Probation Office located across the hall.

We hate artificial nuggets. And we're still hungry.