Friday, December 28, 2007

National Review's New Romney Editorial (UPDATED)

The editors of National Review just went potty - or tried to - on the New Hampshire press corp over Mitt Romney.

Look, we have a hell of a lot of respect for The National Review. It's a quality news outlet.

And when we're dining at the Chevy Chase Club after a few sets of tennis and a stiff 18 hole marathon, we're sure that NR's world view, as seen from their perches in DC/NYC, will come in real handy.

But this isn't about Scotch & Sodas in Maryland, this is about grassroots politicking in New Hampshire.

And about who really knows what.

20 newspapers in the New Hampshire market have endorsed John McCain for President.

20 newspapers that spent the last 2 years (or more) watching each presidential candidate closely.

20 newspapers that took a pass on Mitt Romney.

It's not just the Union Leader, it's not just the Concord Monitor's anti-endorsement and it's not just the Boston papers.

It's 20 newspapers.

And while we are quite sure that The National Review is privately quite embarrassed to have "zigged" when everyone else "zagged", their new editorial is just plain sad.

Because all it does is reiterate the fact that Romney's political support is one mile wide. And one inch deep.

We're just saying.


(UPDATED) Team Romney - foolishly (in our humble opinion) - is jumping into this fight in a very public way, by blasting out emails telling their supporters to call the UL and complain.

Which begs the question: Does Team Romney ask their supporters to call the other 19 NH based newspapers and complain?

Here is their email that just hit our mailbox:

Dear New Hampshire voter,

This morning, National Review, the leading conservative magazine in America, criticized The Union Leader for using an absurd double standard in their attacks on Governor Mitt Romney.

As National Review noted, "The Union Leader 's advocacy of John McCain has become so fierce and lopsided that it has practically transformed itself into a pro-McCain 527 organization."

With the New Hampshire primary just 11 days away, it is crucial that people understand the honest differences between Governor Romney's record and Sen. McCain's. Help us by forwarding this email to as many friends and family members as you can, and please take a moment to call or email The Union Leader and tell them that the people of New Hampshire deserve the whole truth, not just one candidate's side of the story.

Call The Union Leader today at ( 603) 668-4321 or (800) 562-8218 or send an email to and share your views on your support for Governor Romney.

On the issues, National Review concluded:

Taxes: "Senator McCain … voted against the tax cuts, as he had voted against the 2001 tax cuts. He flip-flopped on estate taxes, defending them after having voted to get rid of them. As he geared up to run for president this time around, however, McCain became a born-again supply-sider. Now he wants to keep the tax cuts he originally opposed."
Immigration: " … Romney was right. McCain has voted to let illegal immigrants who meet certain conditions become citizens and then receive benefits for their prior illegal work. Few Senate Republicans joined him."

Thank you for all your help! The support of people like you will make all the difference on Jan. 8.


The New Hampshire Romney for President Team