Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Romney NH Earned Media Team So Under Water That They're Drinking, Literally

The New Hampshire Union Leader tees-off on Mitt Romney.


And while the UL might be the leader of the anti-Romney band, it's far from the only member in the band.

Which makes the New Hampshire earned media hurricane Mitt Romney is currently whirling around in that much harder to break out of.

But it's not all bad for Team Romney. They got National Review's endorsement.

And, maybe NR knows something that the New Hampshire press doesn't?

We figure that NR's editors must have spent a solid 3 or 4 hours sipping wine and gobbling steak with the highest levels of Team Romney in some fancy-dancy DC eatery before crowning Willard with their endorsement.

Of course, the New Hampshire press corps has only been watching Romney up close for the last several years.


We have to wonder what National Review was thinking.

Pass the whipped mashed potatoes?