Thursday, December 06, 2007

On The Record - ONE Vote '08 Holds Candidates Accountable

Later today, The One Campaign will go live with a new website focused on each presidential candidate's plan for combating extreme global poverty and disease.

From the new site:

Throughout November 2007, ONE members sent tens of thousands of petitions to the presidential candidates asking them to go on the record with their plans to combat extreme poverty and global disease.

Now we have their replies.

Use this site to watch each of the candidates' personal video responses to ONE members and their 50-word plans on:

  • Reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • Eradicating malaria;
  • Improving child and maternal health;
  • Achieving universal primary education; and
  • Cutting in half the number of people without clean water or enough food.
But that's not the really cool part.

The "cool" part is that a voter (web surfer) will be able to choose up to three different candidates at one time for comparison of those candidates' video and written answers.

Want to hear Obama's thoughts on global poverty and disease? No problem.

Think Biden is stronger on poverty issues than Hillary or McCain? Well compare.

The new site is well done and substantive.

And it makes it very clear who the candidates are who take poverty seriously.

And those who don't.