Monday, June 04, 2007

ED IN '08

NH Political Directors take Note. There is a new grassroots game in town. And, it's seriously smart.

Strong American Schools, a nonpartisan public awareness and action campaign aimed at elevating education to the top of the list of our nation's priorities, today opened a campaign office in downtown Manchester.

ED in '08 is jumping feet first into the 2008 (or '07) New Hampshire Primary. They will also be competing in several other states around the country.

Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta, Super Inventor (and NH resident) Dean Kamen and former NH Governor Jeanne Shaheen all sit on the Strong American Schools New Hampshire Advisory Board (along with several other prominent NH residents) and spoke (passionately) at the office opening.

The campaign is funded by a contribution from the Gates Foundation and the Broad Foundation.

It's for the children. Really.

Crib Note: Presidential hopefuls will want ED IN '08 to say nice things about their candidacy. Therefore, NH Political Directors should be on the horn with Strong American Schools making nice right now.

Because no campaign wants to be the odd campaign out when it comes to our children's future.

Good policy. Good politics. Everybody wins.