The Dartmouth Debate (UPDATED)
Last night's debate at Dartmouth was our 4th Presidential debate of the 2008 cycle.
And that's plenty.
So our debate write-up this morning, in "true" blogger fashion, is going to be nothing more than links to "other people's stories" (the picture is ours, we couldn't resist a shot of Tucker smirking down on all in the press file room).
Of course, those "other peoples stories" are the work of the WaPo's Dan Balz and Time's Mark Halperin.
Just because we are burnt out on debates doesn't mean that we're stupid.
(Updated) An early bird reader (get a cup of coffee this morning?) points out that we should at least have linked to some "local" coverage of the debate.
The reader is right. Local is best (usually).
So we're going to go with the write-up of two sharp young ladies. Who are very local.
Beth LaMontagne of NH's Campaigns and Elections and Sarah Liebowitz of the Concord Monitor.