Monday, June 09, 2008

What An Infection Looks Like On TV

John McCain cannot be bought. Period.

The guy spent five years in a jungle POW camp because his "honor" wouldn't let him take early release. So how interested do you think he is in brown bags of cash?

He ain't. Not even a little bit.

And anyone that claims otherwise is a moron who hasn't be paying attention. Or is just doing their job for Team Obama.

But that doesn't mean that the DNC and Obama echo chambers aren't going to try to tie every single decision that McCain makes (has made) to the lobbyists who are currently running McCain's campaign. And do it in the most negative light possible.

And it doesn't mean that the DNC and Obama echo chambers aren't going to be effective.

ABC News has the details of the latest shot at the McCain campaign leadership.

Here is the TV ad, which is total b*llshit. But effective.

And this is only the opening "sniffle" of the infection.

We don't know how many other ways we can say this.